Created as a reboot of the Casshern franchise, Casshern Sins tells the story of a world where robots subjugated humanity after becoming self-aware. Their leader, Braiking Boss, ruled over the world with an iron fist. One day, a mysterious girl named Luna is summoned by the people, in order to bring the salvation of mankind. Fearing her as a potential threat, Braiking sent three of his most powerful cyborg warriors to dispose of Luna: Casshern, Dio and Leda. Casshern, the strongest warrior, manages to track down and kill Luna. However, this triggers a cataclysmic event which sets into motion the end of the world. Hundreds of years later, the world's atmosphere is filled with poison, and, due to the inability of most remaining humans to reproduce, as well as the constant threat posed by the robots, humanity is on the brink of extinction.[5]
Robots fare little better, fearing death as much as humans do: the poisonous environment quickly causes their mechanical bodies to rust and corrode, forcing them to constantly replace their damaged parts, if spare parts in good condition can even be found. In this wretched time and place, Casshern, who had disappeared following the assassination of Luna, returns with no memory of who he is or what he had done. As he embarks on a journey to find out the truth about himself, Casshern will discover his true purpose and destiny
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loipon epeisodiakia....
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήepeidh m t exeis kanei toumpana se kalw na mpeis sto cabriole n pame g kana kafe gt oi kammennoi dn tn paleuoun..fhmes lene pws vlepoun kinezika!
akou na deis poustraki vazelaki ... mou klases ta frydia . Pare ton frape kai valtona ston kwlos sou me ta pagakia ... na sfiksei i tzoufra sou giati tin exeis ksexilwsei tin katastasi .. etsi kai ksanapostareis tha kinithw nomika enantion mou
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήakou takiiiiii!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήsourwthri se ekana!exe xarh p mesolavei mia dilitiriwdeis cobra alliws tha s edina fto p thes.....katharo apaxo me fleves kreaaaaaaaaaas
vazelaki aston papapoupa isixo. GIGA DRILL in your ass.